Watering in the Winter

With winter approaching one thing is certain, we are just beginning to see the wind pick up and blow our plants over. Now is the time to stake your tender trees and shrubs. Loosely staking your plants will allow them to move a little strengthening their roots, but protecting them from the heavy winds that can pull them out of the ground.

Don’t forget to water when the winds start to blow. A cold dry wind dries out more than just your skin. Wind will rob your plants of water faster than a hot day. If you know the wind is coming water your plants, this will keep them hydrated and protects them from some of the cold temperatures. The water acts like a barrier keeping the cold air from directly touching your plants, thus keeping them a degree or two warmer. This works well for short freezes a couple degrees colder than your plant can handle.

Covering your plants with a lightweight breathable fabric will provide further protection.  There are several brands of cold weather fabrics you can find at your local nursery.  You can always use an old bed sheet to provide a similar protection, bed sheets are heavier than the garden fabric and should be staked especially in areas where snow is likely to fall.  


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